
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ukraine sends tanks to fight pro-Russian rebels in airport battle

DONETSK: Ukraine rushed tanks to the front lines in a counter-offensive against pro-Russian rebels fighting for control of Donetsk airport, with heavy shelling shaking the key eastern city on Sunday. 

At least six people were killed, including four soldiers, houses were destroyed and electricity was cut for many homes and businesses as explosions repeatedly ripped through parts of the Donetsk region. 

Most of the blasts rang out from the area surrounding Donetsk airport northwest of the city as the army and rebels battled for control of the blackened and wrecked site hit by months of on-off clashes. 

But some were also heard closer to the city centre, and Donetsk officials reported "massive damage to housing stock, infrastructure and communications of the city". 

Rebel officials reported at least two civilians killed, bringing the toll since Thursday to at least 23 dead, including 13 Ukrainian soldiers. 

With rebels at one point claiming to control the airport, about 10 Ukrainian tanks rumbled across the snow toward the front lines on Saturday to reinforce soldiers desperately trying to defend it, local television showed. 


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